Qs-1. SELinux should be in enforcing mode on your both systems.


# getenforce

If it is not in enforcing mode, then change it to enforcing mode by,

# vim /etc/selinux/config

# reboot

Note: In order to reflect the changes, it is mandatory to reboot the system.


Qs-2. Configure yum client-side repository using the following URL: http://link_will_be_given_in_the_question/content/rhel7.0/x86_64/dvd

Note: This is not actually a question which contains marks, but in order to solve the rest of the questions you will have to configure Yum other wise installing packages will hardly be possible in the given time period.


# yum repolist      // To check the repositories
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# vim devopsage.repo

gpgcheck = 0
enabled = 1
baseurl = http://link_will_be_given_in_the_question/content/rhel7.0/x86_64/dvd
name = devopsage-tech

# yum repolist


Qs-3. Configure SSH access on your both systems as follows.

  • Users should have SSH access to your systems from remotely.
  • Clients within my133t.org should not have SSH access to your systems.


Note: By default in both of your systems SSH Service is already enabled.

Note: Address provided = “my133t.org(”   // Ip will be different, make sure to change the provided IP.

# systemctl status sshd.service   // just verify
# firewall-cmd --list-all    // verify the port

# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="ssh" reject' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

Note: You can find above command from the manual page of firewalld.richlanguage. refer the example 3 and make changes accordingly.

# firewall-cmd --list-all

Note: Make Sure, you apply these changes on both the virtual machines during your examinations.


Qs-4. Create a new customized envoirment for your users.

  • Create a new custom command called “userstat” whos output should be similar to “/bin/ps -Ao pid,tt,user,fname,rsz”
  • Make sure “userstat” command should available by-default for all users on both systems.


# vim /etc/bashrc     // Add at the end of the file

alias userstat="/bin/ps -Ao pid,tt,user,fname,rsz"

# logout  or  ctrl+d
# ssh root@ServerIP -X
# userstat  // verify whether the Alias is working as expected or not.

Note: Don’t forget to set this alias in both the machines.


Qs-5. Configure port forwarding on your server.

  • The traffic coming from the desktop on port 415/tcp should be forwarded to port 22/tcp on your system1.


# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" source address="" forward-port to-addr="" to- port="22"protocol="tcp" port="415"' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --list-all
# ssh -p 415 root@serverIP   // verify whether the above applied rule is working or not.

Note: You can find above command from the manual page of firewalld.richlanguage. refer the example 5 and make changes accordingly.


Qs-6. Configure a new network teaming link on both systems.

  • Both systems have a network interface “eno1” and “eno2”
  • These two interfaces should be Slaved for the new teaming device called “team1”. (Make sure “team1” should remain active even if one of the interfaces goes down)
  • Assign the given IP address for “team1” on a 1st system – 192.168.X.111
  • Assign the given IP address for “team1” on a 2nd system – 192.168.X.222


Note: In the examination, you will be provided with 2 network interfaces, While practicing on your local machine you have to first configure 2 network interfaces, between which you will be creating teaming link.

# nmcli con add con-name devopsage ifname team1 type team config '{"runner": {"name": "activebackup"}}'
# nmcli con add con-name team-slave1 ifname eno1 type team-slave master team1
# nmcli con add con-name team-slave2 ifname eno2 type team-slave master team1
# nmcli con modify devopsage ipv4.addresses "192.168.X.111/24" ipv4.method manual
# teamdctl team1 state
# systemctl restart network
# ifconfig // Verify whether teaming link has been created or not

Note: Make Sure you configure this on both the machines.


Qs-7. Configure the following IPV6 IP address for interface eth0 on your both systems.

  • IPV6 address for system1 – “fddb:fe2a:ab1e::c0a8:1/64”
  • IPV6 address for system2 – “fddb:fe2a:ab1e::c0a8:fe/64”


On Syetem 1:

# nmcli con modify "System eth0" ipv6.addresses "fddb:fe2a:ab1e::c0a8:1/64" ipv6.method manual
# systemctl restart network
# ifconfig

On System 2:

# nmcli con modify "System eth0" ipv6.addresses "fddb:fe2a:ab1e::c0a8:fe/64" ipv6.method manual
# systemctl restart network
# ifconfig


Qs-8. Implement a web server for the site http://serverX.example.com, then perform the following steps:

  • Download http://classroom.example.com/server.html
  • Rename the downloaded file to index.html
  • Copy this index.html to the DocumentRoot of your web server
  • Do NOT make any modifications to the content of index.html


# yum groupinstall 'basic web server' -y
# cd /var/www/html/
# wget -O index.html http://link_provided/server.html
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --list-all  // Verify Whether http port is added on firewall or not. 

# systemctl enable httpd.service 

# systemctl restart httpd.service 

# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/      // here we will be creating our own configurations for web servers 

# vim devopsage.conf

<virtualhost *:80>

 servername serverX.example.com

 documentroot /var/www/html

 directoryindex index.html



# systemctl restart httpd.service  # firefox   // Verify on firefox http://serverX.example.com, you can also use curl http://serverX.example.com


Qs-9. Extend your web server to include a virtual host for the site, http://wwwX.example.com, then perform the following steps:

  • Set the DocumentRoot to /var/www/virtual
  • Download http://classroom.example.com/pub/www.html
  • Rename the downloaded file to index.html
  • Copy this index.html to the DocumentRoot of the virtual host
  • Do NOT make any modifications to the content of index.html
  • Ensure that harry is able to create content in /var/www/virtual


# mkdir /var/www/virtual
# cd /var/www/virtual/
# wget -O index.html http://link_provided/www.html
# useradd harry
# setfacl -m u:harry:rwx /var/www/virtual/
# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/devopsage.conf

<virtualhost *:80>
servername wwwX.example.com
documentroot /var/www/virtual
directoryindex index.html


# httpd -t  // This command will check for any syntax error.
# systemctl restart httpd.service
# firefox    // http://wwwX.example.com


Qs-10. Secure web service.

  • Configure TLS encryption for the web server “http://serverX.example.com”
  • A signed certificate for the web server is available at http://link_provided/pub/tls/certs/serverX.crt
  • The required key for this certificate file is available at http://link_providedclassroom.example.com/pub/tls/private/serverX.key
  • The certificate for signing authority is provided at http://classroom.example.com/pub/example-ca.crt


Note: For this question, generate a self-signed certificate if you are practicing on your local machine.

# cd /etc/pki/tls/certs/
# wget http://link_provided/pub/tls/certs/serverX.crt
# wget http://link_provided/pub/example-ca.crt
# cd ..
# cd private/
# wget http://classroom.example.com/pub/tls/private/serverX.key
# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
# vim devopsage.conf

<virtualhost *:443>
servername serverX.example.com
documentroot /var/www/html
directoryindex index.html
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/serverX.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/serverX.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/example-ca.crt


# httpd -t  // Check Syntax
# firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# systemctl restart httpd.service
# firefox // https://serverX.example.com.

Note: If you see untrusted connection where you have to confirm the security exceptions meansyou config is OK. This is because we are using self signed certificate.


Qs-11. Create a directory named as secret in default DocumentRoot of your default web server.

  • Download a file – http://classroom.example.com/pub/private.html to the secret directory.
  • Rename this file as index.html
  • The secret directory should be only available to localhost.


# mkdir /var/www/html/secret
 # wget -O /var/www/html/secret/index.html http://classroom.example.com/pub/private.html
 # ls -l /var/www/html/secret/
 # vim devopsage.conf

<virtualhost *:80>
 servername serverX.example.com/secret
 documentroot /var/www/html/secret
 directoryindex index.html
 <directory /var/www/html/secret>
 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 allow from localhost or IP


# httpd -t
 # systemctl restart httpd.service
 # firefox  //  http://serverX.example.com/secret


Qs-12. Configure your web server to display the dynamic web contents.

  • Dynamic content is provided by a virtual host named as http://webappX.example.com
  • This host should listen on port no 8877
  • Download a copy of the script from http://classroom.example.com/pub/webapp.wsgi and place it on appropriate location for the virtual host so that it generates dynamic web contents.
  • Do not make any changes in webapp.wsgi file
  • Clients connecting to http://webappX.example.com:8877 should get the output of dynamic web contents.
  • This virtual host must be accessible to all the systems in example.com.


# mkdir /var/www/dynamic
# cd /var/www/dynamic/
# wget http://classroom.example.com/pub/webapp.wsgi
# firewall-cmd --add-port=8877/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8877
# yum install mod_wsgi.x86_64
# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/devopsage.conf

listen 8877
<virtualhost *:8877>
servername webappX.example.com
documentroot /var/www/dynamic
wsgiscriptalias / /var/www/dynamic/webapp.wsgi


# httpd -t
# systemctl restart httpd.service
# firefox   //  http://webappX.example.com:8877


Qs-13. Write a script naming as bar.sh in the root directory

  • If we give redhat as input it should print fedora.
  • If we give fedora as input it should print redhat.
  • If we give other than redhat or fedora it should print “./root/bar.sh redhat|fedora” as an standerd error.


# vim bar.sh


if [ "$1" = 'redhat' ];then
echo "fedora"
elif [ "$1" = 'fedora' ];then
echo "redhat"
echo "./root/bar.sh redhat|fedora" > /dev/stderr


# bash bar.sh
# bash bar.sh redhat
# bash bar.sh fedora


Qs-14. Configure NFS on serverX as follow

  • export /public directory with read only acess to desktopX machine.
  • export /protected directory with read write acess to desktopX
  • Acess to /protected is authenticate by using Kerborse.You can use keytab file from http://classroom.example.com/pub/keytabs/ serverX.keytab
  •  Create a secure directory inside the /protected directory
  • User ldapuserX have read and write acess on secure directory


On Server Side:

# yum install nfs* krb5* -y
# mkdir /public /protected
# wget -O /etc/krb5.keytab http://link_provided/pub/keytabs/serverX.keytab
# vim /etc/exports


# exportfs -avr
# firewall-cmd --add-service=nfs --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# mkdir /protected/secure
# getent passwd ldapuser5
# chown ldapuserX:ldapuserX /protected/secure
# systemctl enable nfs-secure-server.service
# systemctl enable nfs-server.service
# systemctl restart nfs-secure-server.service
# systemctl restart nfs-server.service


Qs-15. Mount nfs on following Directory

  • public Directory exported by ServerX should be mounted across reboot on /mnt/data
  • protected Directory exported by ServerX should be mounted across reboot on /protected


On Client Side:

# yum install nfs* krb5* -y
# mkdir /mnt/data /protected
# wget -O /etc/krb5.keytab http://classroom.example.com/pub/keytabs/ServerX.keytab
# vim /etc/fstab /mnt/data nfs defaults,sec=sys,sync 0 0 /protected nfs defaults,sec=krb5p,sync 0 0

# systemctl enable nfs-secure.service
# systemctl restart nfs-secure.service
# mount -a
# df -h
# getent passwd ldapuser5
# cd /protected/secure/      // Check whether configuration is done correctly or not
# touch sample.txt      // Permission Denied
# ssh ldapuserX@localhost   // passwod - kerberos
$ ldapuserhomedir]$ cd /protected/secure/
$ touch sample.txt  //If you can create a file, means configuration is OK.
$ logout
# df -h


Qs-16. Share /common directory via smb from your serverX

  • Share name must be samba.
  • Samba share must browseable.
  • User natasha should have read access to it and authenticate with the password “postroll”.
  • sarah should have read and write access to share and authenticate with the “postroll”.


On Server Side:

# yum install samba samba-client.x86_64 -y
# mkdir /common
# semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t '/common(/.*)?'
# restorecon -Rv /common
# useradd natasha
# useradd sarah
# setfacl -m u:natasha:r-x /common
# setfacl -m u:sarah:rwx /common
# getfacl /common
# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf    // Make changes at the end of the file
path = /common
writable = no
write list = sarah
valid users = natasha , sarah
browseable = yes

# testparm   // Check Configuration Syntax
# smbpasswd -a natasha    //password: postroll
# smbpasswd -a sarah     //password: postroll
# firewall-cmd --add-service=samba --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# systemctl enable smb nmb
# systemctl restart smb nmb


Qs-17. The samba share must be permanently mounted on DesktopX machine on /mnt/samba directory and this share must allow anyone who can authenticate as sarah.


On Client Side

# mkdir /mnt/samba # yum install cifs-utils.x86_64 -y # vim /tmp/pass username=sarah password=postroll # vim /etc/fstab // /mnt/samba cifs defaults,sec=ntlmssp,multiuser,credentials=/tmp/pass 0 0 :wq! # mount -a # df -h // For temporary Mounting, don not use below command, just for your understanding. # mount -o username=sarah // /mnt/samba      // password: postroll


Qs-18. Configure iscsi target on ServerX machine.

  • iscsi disk name is iqn.2014-06.com.example:serverX
  • iscsi should use default port as 3260.
  •  target should use 3G backing volume nameing as datavol.
  •  target should available to only desktopX machine.


On Server Side

# fdisk /dev/vdb
:n     // new partition
:t    // toggle, displays all hex codes
:8e  // (lvm)
:w    // To save
# partprobe
# pvcreate /dev/vdb1
# vgcreate devopsage_vg /dev/vdb1
# lvcreate -n redhat -L 3G devopsage_lv
# yum install targetcli.noarch -y
# targetcli
/> cd
o- / .........................................................................................................................[...]
o- backstores ..............................................................................................................[...]
| o- block ..................................................................................................[Storage Objects: 0]
| o- fileio .................................................................................................[Storage Objects: 0]
| o- pscsi ..................................................................................................[Storage Objects: 0]
| o- ramdisk ................................................................................................[Storage Objects: 0]
o- iscsi ............................................................................................................[Targets: 0]
o- loopback .........................................................................................................[Targets: 0]
/backstores/block> create datavol /dev/devopsage/redhat
/backstores/block> cd
/iscsi> create iqn.2014-06.com.example:serverX
/iscsi> cd
/iscsi/iqn.20...er5/tpg1/acls> create iqn.2014-06.com.example:desktopX
/iscsi/iqn.20...er5/tpg1/acls> cd
/iscsi/iqn.20...er5/tpg1/luns> create /backstores/block/datavol
/iscsi/iqn.20...er5/tpg1/luns> cd
/iscsi/iqn.20.../tpg1/portals> create ip_port=3260
/iscsi/iqn.20.../tpg1/portals> cd
o- / .........................................................................................................................[...]
/> saveconfig
/> exit

# firewall-cmd --add-port=3260/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# systemctl enable target.service
# systemctl restart target.service


Qs-19. Configure DesktopX machine for iscsi intiator.

  • Iscsi device should be automatically mounted at booting time.
  • Iscsi should contain a block of 2000MB and should have xfs file system on it.
  • The partion must be mounted on /mnt/iscsi and it should be automatically mounted.


On Server Side.

# yum install iscsi-initiator-utils.i686 -y
# vim /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
# systemctl enable iscsid.service
# systemctl restart iscsid.service
# iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal --discover

Note: You will get this cmd from example section of man page of iscscadm

# iscsiadm --mode node --targetname iqn.2014-06.com.example:server5 --portal --login
# lsblk

sda 8:0 0 3G 0 disk

# fdisk /dev/sda

# partprobe
# mkfs.xfs /dev/sda1
# blkid
# vim /etc/fstab
UUID=668CF9BD8CF987B7 /mnt/iscsi xfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
]# mkdir /mnt/iscsi
]# mount -a
]# df -h

Note/Caution: Do not forget to logout from ISCSI Server, if you failed to do so, your system will be hung.

# iscsiadm --mode node --targetname iqn.2014-06.com.example:serverX --portal --logout


Qs-20. create A MariaDB database by using the dump file.

  • create database named as legacy and import dump file into database.
  • dump file is provided by http://classroom.example.com/pub/mariadb.dump
  • create user smith and grant select access on legacy database.


# yum groupinstall mariadb mariadb-client -y
# systemctl enable mariadb.service
# systemctl restart mariadb.service
# mysql_secure_installation   // Set password (say, password), and for every prompt press "y"
# mysql -u root -ppassword
# show databases;
# create database legacy;
# exit (ctrl+d)
# wget http://classroom.example.com/pub/mariadb.dump
# mysql -u root -ppassword legacy < mariadb.dump
# mysql -u root -ppassword
# use legacy;
# show tables;
# create user smith@"localhost" identified by "password";
# grant select on legacy.* to smith@'localhost'; > exit (ctrl+d)


Qs-21. Ans the following question in the file /root/mariadb.txt

  • count the number of product which are having id_catagory=10


# mysql -u root -ppassword
# use legacy;
# select count(*) from product where id_category=10;
#  exit(ctrl+d)
# vim /root/mariadb.txt


Qs-22. Write a script naming as foo.sh in root directory

  • create users provided by the file http://classroom.example.com/pub/users
  • if the appropriate file is not provided then it should return error /root/foo.sh [Valid File]
    and return with an appropirate error status


# vim /root/foo.sh

b=`basename $1`
a=`cat $1`
if [ -s $1 -a "$b" = "user.txt" ];then
for i in $a
useradd $i -s /sbin/nologin
echo "$i"|passwd $i --stdin
echo "$i is added"
echo "/root/foo.sh [Valid File]" > /dev/stderr
exit 2

# vim user.txt   // list of users

# bash foo.sh user.txt


Qs-23. Configure mail access on both the systems as follows

  • system should not accept mail from external sources.
  • mail sent locally from both systems get routed through example.com
  • mail send from systems shows up as coming from serverX.example.com.


# yum install postfix
# vim /etc/postfix/main.cf


75 myhostname = serverX.example.com
83 mydomain = example.com
98 myorigin = $mydomain
116 inet_interfaces = all
119 inet_protocols = all
164 mydestination =
264 mynetworks =,
314 relayhost = [smtpX.example.com]

@END local_transport = error: local delivery disabled

# systemctl enable postfix
# systemctl restart postfix
# mail -s 'test' user@desktopX.example.com

Note: Take care of the my_networks carefully in your exam.

# hostname
# hostname -d
# hostnamectl set-hostname serverX.example.com
# systemctl enable postfix
# systemctl restart postfix
# mail -s 'test22' user@desktopX.example.com

출처 : http://www.devopsage.com/redhat-certified-engineer-7-rhce-questions-with-solution/


Qs-1. Configure yum client

Yum baseurl path = http://content.example.com/rhel7.0/x86_64/dvd


# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# rm -rf *
# vim devopsage.repo


# yum clean all
# yum list all
# yum repolist


Qs-2. SELinux should be in enforcing mode on your both systems.


# getenforce

If it is not in enforcing mode, then change it to enforcing mode by,

# vim /etc/selinux/config

# reboot

Note: In order to reflect the changes, it is mandatory to reboot the system.


Qs-3. Install the appropriate Kernel from http://server.domainX.example.com/pub/updates/kernel. Your machine should boot with the updated kernel.


# uname -r  // Verify the Current Kernel
# yum install firefox* -y
# wget http://server.domainX.example.com/pub/updates/kernel.......rpm
# rpm -ivh kernel-firmware.2.-------.rpm
# init 6   // Choose the newly installed Kernel to boot


Qs-4. Create the “LVM” with the name “fedora” by using 100PE’s from the volume group “redhat”. Consider the PE size as “8MB”. Mount it on /mnt/data with filesystem xfs.

Note: In the exam, you should create an only extended partition, don’t create a primary partition as 3 primary partitions already exist by default. So if you create a primary partition you won’t be able to create a further partition.


# fdisk -l
# fdisk /dev/vda (create a partition with "804M" & give hexa code as "8e" for linux LVM)
# partx -a /dev/vda (run this CMD twice)
# partprobe
# pvcreate /dev/vda4
# vgcreate -s 8M redhat /dev/vda4
# lvcreate -l 100 -n fedora redhat
# mkfs.xfs /dev/redhat/fedora
# blkid
# mkdir /mnt/date

# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/redhat/fedora /mnt/data xfs defaults 0 0


# mount -a
# df -h


Q5. Extend the lvm size to 250MB the location from “/dev/redhat/fedora” without loosing any data.


# lvextend -L +250M /dev/redhat/fedora
# lvs
# xfs_growfs /dev/redhat/fedora

Note: If it is in ext3 file system use below command,
# resize2fs/dev/redhat/fedora
# df -h


Qs-6. Extend the SWAP space with “512” MB don’t remove or extend the existing swap. Your new Swap should be mounted at booting time also.


# free -m
# fdisk -l
# fdisk /dev/vda  // create a partition with 512M & give hexa code as 82
# partprobe
# partx -a /dev/vda   // run this CMD twice
# mkswap /dev/vda5
# swapon /dev/vda5

# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/vda6 swap swap defaults 0 0


# mount -a
# free -m


Qs-7. Create a group named “admin”

  • A user harry and natasha should belongs to “admin” group as a secondary group with users password “wakennym”.
  • user sarah should not have access to interactive shell and she should not be a member of “admin” group.


# groupadd admin
# useradd -G admin harry
# useradd -G admin natasha
# useradd -s /sbin/nologin sarah
# passwd harry
# passwd natasha
# passwd sarah


# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin sarah
# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin natasha
# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin harry
# cat /etc/passwd    // Verify the newly created users
# cat /etc/group


Qs-8. Create the Directory “/home/admin” with the following characteristics.

  • Group ownership of “/home/admin” should go to “sysadmin” group.
  • The directory should have read, write & access permission for all members of “sysadmin” group but not to any other users. ( It is understood understand that the “root” has full access to all files present in the system).
  • Files created under “/home/admin” should get the same group ownership is set to the “sysadmin” group.
# mkdir /home/admin
# chgrp sysadmin /home/admin
# chmod 2770 /home/admin
# ls -ld /home/admin


Qs-9. The user sarah must configure a cron job that runs daily at 14:23 every day. and executes “/bin/echo “Welcome to the world of Linux”.

# crontab -eu sarah

23 14 * * * /bin/echo "Welcome to the world of Linux"


# systemctl restart crond
# systemctl enable crond
# crontab -lu sarah


Qs-10. Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp and configure the “ACL” as mention following.

  • The file /vat/tmp/fstab is owned by the “root”.
  • The file /var/tmp/fstab belongs to the group “root”
  • The file /var/tmp/fstab should not be executable by any one.
  • The user “sarah” should able to read and write to the file.

The user “natasha” can neither read nor write to the file. other users (future and current) shuold be able to read /var/tmp/fstab.

# cp /etc/fstab /var/tmp
# setfacl -m u:sarah:rw- /var/tmp/fstab
# setfacl -m u:natasha:--- /var/tmp/fstab
# getfacl /var/tmp/fstab


Qs-11. Create the user “jein” with uid 4332 with password “wakennym”.

# useradd -u 4332 jein
# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin jein
# passwd jein


Qs-12. locate the files of owner “harry” and copy to the location /root/result directory. Also preserve the permission, ownership and time stamp.

# mkdir /root/result
# find / -user harry -exec cp -rvfp {} /root/result/ \;
# cd /root/result
# ls -lrt


Qs-13. Find the string “squid” from “/usr/share/dict/words” file and copy the lines in /root/lists.txt.

# grep "squid" /usr/share/dict/words > /root/lists.txt


Qs-14. Note the following. BASE DN: dc=example,dc=com LDAP path ldap://classroom.example.com/. Download the certificate from “http://classroom.example.com/pub/example-ca.crt” Ldapuserx should login into your system.

# yum install sssd authconfig-gtk  -y
# system-config-authentication

Mention LDAP search base DN : dc=example,dc=com here,

LDAP SEVER = ldap://classroom.example.com/

Click the CA certificate http://classroom.example.com/pub/example-ca.crt

Click Apply

Provide the proper entries which are mention in the question paper & Click Apply

# getent passwd ldapuserX
# id ldapuser


Qs-15. Note the following,

  • classroom.example.com “Nfs exports” and Nfs Version 3 /home/guests/ldapuserX
  • Ldapuser’s home directory is classroom.example.com:/home/guests/ldapuserX.
  • Ldapuser’s home directory should be automounted locally beneath /home/guests/ldapuserX.
  • If login  using ldapuserX then only home directory should accesible.
# yum install autofs* -y
# vim /etc/auto.master 
/home/guests /etc/auto.misc 
# vim /etc/auto.misc 
ldapuserX -rw,vers=3 classroom.example.com:/home/guests/ldapuserX 
# systemctl stop autofs.service 
# systemctl start autofs.service 
# systemctl enable autofs.service 
# su - ldapuserX 
# pwd


Qs-16. Synchronize time of your system with the server classroom.example.com.

# vim /etc/chrony.conf
//  comment the above servers then write below as it is
serverX classroom.example.com iburst
# systemctl restart chronyd.service
# systemctl enable chronyd.service
# chronyc sources -v
# timedatectl

NTP Sync: Yes


Qs-17. Compression & archive for /etc folder in gunzip/bunzip2 format.

# tar czvf etc.tar.gz /etc
# du -h etc.tar.gz
# tar cjvf etc.tar.bz /etc
# du -h etc.tar.bz

출처 : http://www.devopsage.com/redhat-certified-system-administrator-7-rhcsa-questions-with-solution/

'자격증 > RHCSA' 카테고리의 다른 글

selinux 설정 해제  (0) 2018.10.24
Yum Repository 구성  (0) 2018.10.24
네트워크 설정 하기  (0) 2018.10.24
Root 패스워드 분실 시 변경하기 (CentOS7)  (0) 2018.10.23
selinux 설정 해제하기

1. vi 를 통해 "/etc/selinux/config" 에 접속한다.

2. selinux 를 화면과 같이 disabled 하면 된다.

[root@localhost log]# vi /etc/selinux/config

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.

# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:

# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.

# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.

# disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.


# SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:

# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.

# strict - Full SELinux protection.


시스템 재부팅

※ 명령어(바로 적용)

켜기 : # setenforce 1 

끄기 : # setenforce 0

'자격증 > RHCSA' 카테고리의 다른 글

RHCSA 연습문제  (0) 2018.10.29
Yum Repository 구성  (0) 2018.10.24
네트워크 설정 하기  (0) 2018.10.24
Root 패스워드 분실 시 변경하기 (CentOS7)  (0) 2018.10.23

Yum Repository 구성

※ Server 는 http://test.example.com/pub/x86_64/dvd

1. repo 파일 수정

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/test.repo






위와 같이 수정 후 아래 명령어로 확인

yum clean all

yum repolist 

'자격증 > RHCSA' 카테고리의 다른 글

RHCSA 연습문제  (0) 2018.10.29
selinux 설정 해제  (0) 2018.10.24
네트워크 설정 하기  (0) 2018.10.24
Root 패스워드 분실 시 변경하기 (CentOS7)  (0) 2018.10.23

1. 네트워크 설정 파일 확인

네트워크 설정 파일은 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens66 입니다.(파일 이름은 다를 수도 있습니다.) 

설정 파일을 vi 편집기로 엽니다.
















2.네트워크 설정 파일 수정하기

아래 내용을 추가합니다.





3.네트워크 재시작 하기

네트워크를 재시작 하면 변경사항이 적용됩니다.

systemctl restart network

'자격증 > RHCSA' 카테고리의 다른 글

RHCSA 연습문제  (0) 2018.10.29
selinux 설정 해제  (0) 2018.10.24
Yum Repository 구성  (0) 2018.10.24
Root 패스워드 분실 시 변경하기 (CentOS7)  (0) 2018.10.23

1. 부팅 시 아래 화면에서 'e' 키를 입력하여 편집모드로 들어갑니다.

2. rhgb quiet를 init=/bin/bash로 변경한후 Ctrl -x를 눌러 싱글모드로 진입합니다.

3. 아래와 같이 프롬프트 창이뜨면 passwd root 명령어를 이용하여 패스워드를 변경합니다.

4. 한번에 변경이 되지 않을 경우 / root 를 다시 마운트 합니다.

# mount -o remount,rw /

5. 다음 명령어를 사용하여 재부팅 합니다.

# touch /.autorelabel   

# exec /sbin/init

'자격증 > RHCSA' 카테고리의 다른 글

RHCSA 연습문제  (0) 2018.10.29
selinux 설정 해제  (0) 2018.10.24
Yum Repository 구성  (0) 2018.10.24
네트워크 설정 하기  (0) 2018.10.24

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